Okay, let’s start with this question: Why do you want to start a YouTube channel in 2019?
Don’t do it because you want to make money from YouTube! Making money from AdSense on YouTube is not, let me repeat — NOT — an effective way to make money. YouTube is a distribution network, not a business model.
Don’t start a channel because you think you’re going to become a YouTube star.
You’re probably not Casey Neistat. Neither am I! Being amazing on YouTube is super hard. You need great editing. You need equipment and time. It’s not easy to just jump in and become a star.
The best reason to start a YouTube channel is because you want to put something out into the world that doesn’t exist yet! YouTube is a great place to do it because it’s so democratic.
Another great reason to start a channel now is to find your voice! It’s a great exercise in self-discovery. So if the burning desire to make is there, I say go for it!